Hey there! Hope you had a nice and relaxing Fourth of July weekend! Sometimes just having that extra day off to enjoy the weather with family and friends is the perfect way to recharge your batteries…am I right? Last week you might have seen me tweeting and instagraming about an event I attended hosted by SAP and My Runway, the fashion app that I have been involved with one of their Fashion Ambassadors. I first introduced the app to you in this post but we had an event last week that I absolutely need to share with you! The event was a panel discussion and fashion show centered around the theme of “how does fashion build your personal brand?”
Marchelle Parrish of eBay Fashion, Layla Sabourian from SAP My Runway, and Beatrice Pang from ModeWalk
The event was emceed by Layla Sabourian, the SAP Mobile & Social Media Manager, My Runway Ambassador Program developer, and event host. I’ve been close friends with Layla for a few months now and it was a great opportunity to hear her speak about her involvement at SAP, her work with her team on My Runway, and check out her crazy amazing outfit of the evening! The event panelists included Vineet Buch – Head of Shopping Search at Google, Mike Giresi – Chief Information Officer at Tory Burch, Beatrice Pang – Co-Founder & Chief Operating Officer at ModeWalk, Nola Weinstein – Executive Editorial Director at Glam Media, and Marcelle Parrish – Head of Business & Strategy at eBay Fashion. Meeting the great people behind these powerhouse brands was an absolute dream–and it was wonderful to hear their stories of starting off their careers and the steps they took to get to where they are today.
Pre-event socializing with the panelists – talking fashion and technology…and tweeting!
Mike from Tory Burch, Lola from Glam Media, Beatrice from ModeWalk, Barbara from SAP and My Runway, Marcelle from eBay Fashion and Vineet from Google Shopping
After hearing the panelists’ stories of how technology and fashion intesect in their careers, Layla shared the My Runway Twitter contest where the audience could tweet their way at a chance to win a beautiful Parisian Blue Kelsey Clutch from Tory Burch! She also streamed the My Runway official video, sharing the app and some of the Ambassadors’ experiences using My Runway. By the way…If you still haven’t downloaded the app…click right here!
And last but not least? The fashion show showcasing the My Runway Ambassadors’ personal style! It was great to see the fashions of local Bay Area designers as well as looks created personally by the Ambassadors in an eclectic show that definitely rebelled against the stereotype that San Francisco ‘doesn’t have style’.
The My Runway Ambassadors rocking their personal style during the fashion show
I’m so happy to be a part of the My Runway family as an Ambassador because I love being able to share my love for fashion with technology to make fashion accessible for all! A huge thank you to all of the event panelists, the SAP My Runway team, and all of the local fashionistas and fashionistos that came out to make the event a fantastic success! Have you downloaded My Runway yet? What do you think, I’d love to hear!
P.S. Thank you to those that entered the Vilvum silk giveaway! The giveaway ended on July 5th and the following winners have been chosen randomly by the rafflecopter widget: MC Chau, Meagan P, and Sierra S! I’ll be emailing you soon with information on your $50 Vilvum gift cards!
Such a fun looking event!
xoxox Caity
You totally need to come next time Caity!