As we continue to practice social distancing and forms of self-isolation, the “typical” day-to-day tasks have started becoming redundant. Not sure about you, but my to-do list is becoming longer and longer with tasks that need doing around the house. While some of those tasks help to kill time during the long days at home, there is definitely a need for me to focus on things want to do for myself! If you’re not sure what to do next to keep yourself occupied during the Covid-19 pandemic, look no further! Here are some of my favorite social distancing activities.
Social Distancing Activities
Write Down Your Goals
Now, more than ever we must focus on the future. As we continue living through this pandemic, it is important to give ourselves hope and imagine the exciting things to come once we get through this. Sit down and make a list of your goals while you’re navigating the emotions that come with being stuck at home!
Make a Mood-board on Pinterest
If you know me, you know I love a good scroll through Pinterest. While I have the time at home, I am going to start creating a mood-board about how I want to lead my life post-pandemic. The great thing about mood boards is that they can help express your emotions and mood towards anything!
Read a Book
I LOVE a good book. Since starting social distancing a few weeks ago I have accomplished more reading than I have in years and it feels GREAT! need some suggestions? Check out my list of 22 Books to Read During Quarantine 2020
Do a Puzzle
This is sure to kill a few hours, maybe even days if you’re up for the challenge of the high piece puzzles. There are some seriously challenging puzzles out there to keep your brain active during this time!
Learn a Tik Tok Dance
I have to be honest, Tik Tok is my new guilty pleasure. I have really enjoyed viewing the content, as well as challenging myself to learn some of the dances (which has turned out to be an amazing workout). If you haven’t yet downloaded the app – DO IT! You will thank me later.
Binge a Netflix Series
Putting off watching a new show should be listed as a hobby of mine! We are taking this time a home to get through as many of the shows that have been recommended to us over the years. My list of Netflix shows to binge might last us past the pandemic, but let me know which on the list are your favorites!
Have an At-Home Spa Day
TREAT YO’ SELF should be the motto of our social distancing situation. As if the normal day-to-day struggles aren’t enough, now we are all faced with way more than usual. Do yourself a favor, light some candles, run a bath, put on a facial and/or hair mask (here are some of my favorites) and unwind. You deserve it!
Bake A Cake
Baking a cake, especially from scratch, is a great way to spend an hour or so of your time during social distancing. I know my pantry is full of baking supplies I haven’t touched in a long time so I am looking forward to busting them out and getting to work!
Do a Social Media Cleanse
Being on social media has been a challenge for me during this pandemic. Seeing all of the tragedy that is coming from this is very overwhelming and upsetting. I have done a few days free of social media (besides checking for important updates on my local news once or twice daily) and it has done wonders for my mental health.
FaceTime Friends and Family
Setting up video chat dates with my friends and family, near and far have really kept us going over these past few weeks. With most people in a self-isolation situation, “Getting together” with your friends and family virtually is a great way to stay connected and make sure everyone is staying healthy.
Take a Nap
If you have the time to do so, need I say more?
Play Board Games
One of my favorite parts of growing up was sitting around playing board games with my family on the weekend! It has been so fun to rekindle those memories by playing games with Kevin once we have Harrison asleep. So dust off those board games in the basement and see if you’ve still got the skills!
Do an At-Home Workout
Adding a home workout space has been a lifesaver during this time. If you don’t have one, consider setting one up using my home workout essentials blog. Buying fitness equipment or even finding an equipment-free workout video are both very easily accessible online!
Clean Out/Organize Your Closet
Spring is here so we might as well jump on spring cleaning while you have the time! One of my favorite things to do each year is clean out and re-organize my closet. I’ve been a huge fan of Marie Kondo’s method and even wrote about how it helped me clean out my closet a few years ago! If you’ve recently cleared out your closet, try color-coordinating it!
Make a New Spotify Playlist
Music is such an incredible outlet for me when times are crazy and I LOVE making new playlists based on my mood. Right now I am listening to tons of classical and relaxing music but when I have deadlines to meet and a lot going on, some classic rock always helps me get the job done.
Listen to a Podcast
If you haven’t gotten into the world of podcasts, you are missing out! From murder mysteries, to pop culture updates, there is a podcast out there for everyone. If you are still working from home during social distancing I curated a list of Motivation Podcasts to keep you going during the long work day!
Organize Your Bathroom Drawers
The amount of junk I throw in my bathroom drawers is sometimes embarrassing. Cleaning them out recently was very therapeutic for me and I wish I had done them sooner. If it’s been some time since you last organized your bathroom, now is the perfect time to do so!
Try A New Makeup Look
Ok, so we may not be able to show off a perfectly winged eyeliner if we nail it during social distancing BUT at least we will have the skills once this all clears up. Give that new look a try so you can flaunt it perfectly when the time comes. Looking for some new beauty products to try? There are some favorites at the Ulta Beauty Sale!
Do Something You’ve Been Putting Off
Is there someone on your to-do list that has been lingering there for months? Cross that sucker off TODAY!
Wash Your Sheets
It probably can go without saying, but if you haven’t washed your sheets since the pandemic hit, it’s time to do so! Germs can linger on our bedding for quite some time so if you’ve been practicing social distancing, be sure your sheets are a sanitary are you are!
Inhale. Exhale. We WILL get through this!
What kind of social distancing activities are you doing? Let me know in a comment below!
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